Oversight Team
The oversight team consists of several key members charged with the running of the church and looking after its members

Pastoral Care
Onkar Singh
I was born and raised in Bilston, West Midlands, and I am from a Sikh background. I became a Christian at 17 and then moved to Sheffield as a student in 1984. Straightaway, Lansdowne Chapel became my home church, and I have stayed here ever since!
After graduating, I went into a career in retailing and worked for the same company for over 30 years. Later, I worked in a Christian bookshop and then worked from home for a marketing company.
My interests include watching football, and I am an avid Wolverhampton Wanders fan. I also love going to the gym and swimming. I am married to Helen.
My responsibilities at Lansdowne are planning, pastoral care, and I regularly lead services.

Church Administrator
Helen Singh
I am a born and bred Sheffield girl but spent three years in Liverpool studying music to degree level in the 80's. I was born into a Christian family, and we attended Lansdowne Chapel from my early years.
After graduating, I taught piano for a while, then went into a career in Market Research/Mystery Shopping for several years. In recent years, I switched careers and now work as a Civilian staff member for the Police service.
In my leisure time, I enjoy going to the gym. I also belong to an Ecumenical Christian Worship band called Outcry, which is based in Sheffield. I am married to Onkar.
My responsibilities at Lansdowne are music, catering and administration.

Church Treasurer
Eliseu Balanga
I am Eliseu Balanga, and I am the treasurer at Lansdowne Chapel.
I have given my life to the Lord Jesus from a very young age. In this journey, I have felt the calling from the Lord to keep on reaffirming my decision to stay faithful to him in all seasons of life by declaring that Jesus is still Lord in my life.
I enjoy spending time in God's presence, praying, meditating, and studying God's work. Still, I also enjoy spending time with God's people to share the Goodness of God and be encouraged by one another's testimony.
As I read the scriptures, I can see various examples that God wants us to live by in the community as part of the body of Jesus. Lansdowne has been my spiritual home for many years, and it has been the place where I have been allowed to serve, grow and minister the gifting of the Lord for his Glory.
Here at Lansdowne, I serve as the treasurer and part of the oversight team, serving many other aspects of the spiritual needs of the fellowship.
Lansdowne has a unique calling for families, and my personal family has been the recipient of this gift.
My desire is to serve here with God's people as we go together to win souls for Jesus, disciple and mentor young believers, and be a blessing to the wider community in whatever ways the Lord leads us.
My responsibilities at Lansdowne include handling the church's finances.

Church Maintenance
Paul Morrison
I was born and grew up in Sheffield with Christian parents. I was born again in my thirties when I started seeking out in detail my Christian faith. I have been at Lansdowne for around 14 years.
My career spans some 30 years in construction, working as a chartered surveyor, hence my responsibilities for sharing church building issues with Steve, our other overseer.
My interests include watching football and playing guitar and drums. I am a technology geek looking at better ways to improve how we do things and present information, so my other interest and responsibility is looking after web stuff with help from others.
I am married to Karen with two daughters, Grace and Elizabeth.
I am one of the Kingdom Kids teachers within our church, and I look forward to how Jesus can help me and others each day.
My responsibilities include supporting building maintenance and handling the web domain.
Church Secretary
Steve Fryer
I first came to Sheffield as an architecture student in 1969 and stayed here after I had finished my training.
I became a Christian as a student and got involved with a local church. That's where I first met my wife, Ann, and when we got married, we moved to the Sharrow area, where we brought up our three boys.
We have worshipped at Lansdowne Chapel since the late 1990s and eventually joined the Oversight team.
I loved my job as an architect, and it was a wrench to retire. But I've always loved travelling too, and since retiring, I have taken up writing, combining the two in travel writing.
I also like being involved in the local community and, for many years, edited the local community paper, Sharrow Today. More recently, we have become grandparents and have four lively grandchildren to keep us busy.
My responsibilities include Secretarial duties, bookings, and building maintenance.